Probably One Of The Most Offensive Films Ever - Unless You're A Scumbag Like Me...
20 February 2006
FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE is a mediocre and mean-spirited rape/revenge film that's full of more colorful derogatory epithets than a KKK vs. Black Panthers street fight. I personally don't get offended by this type of dialogue...but FIGHT relies so heavily on the racist aspect of the characters that it's hard to see the actually semi-decent performances that are going on...

FIGHT is about three inmates, a white guy (the "leader" of the group who is also the guy that played "Larry" on the NEWHART TV show (!?!)), a Hispanic guy, and an Asian guy (sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, huh???), who break out of jail during a botched prison transfer. The three go on a short robbery and murder spree before kidnapping a black woman at a liquor store, and deciding to hole-up at her home until dark. At the home are also the woman's little brother, mother, father, and grandmother. "Larry" is a racist piece of white-trash sh!t and does nothing but hurl racial insults and make the family members say and do degrading things for his own entertainment (although I gotta admit, the "dance" scene IS kinda funny...). This goes on for about 80% of the films run-time, until the three convicts decide to rape the daughter. After that, the balance of power is shifted back and forth between the family and the convicts in a few uneven scenes where the lone gun that was initially handled by "Larry" changes hands a few times during some goofy fight scenes. The conclusion comes between "Larry" and the father of the family, in a "tense" stand-off in front of the cops.

First off...FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE is a very mediocre rape/revenge film to begin with. I like this genre as a whole - but this one doesn't bring anything new to the genre, other than an uninteresting racist angle that wears itself thin after the first few amusing insults are hurled. The performances are pretty believable and the "action" is tense at moments - but my other big problem with FIGHT is that the revenge pay-off is way too quick and unfulfilling. Half of the reason to watch these films is to see the victims exact brutal and bloody revenge on their assailants - and this one doesn't deliver. Worth a look to the hardcore exploit fan - others will find FIGHT boring and/or offensive. 6/10
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