Metaphysical Head Scratcher
19 February 2006
This is a tough one to review. There are bits and pieces that are really striking and a dreamlike quality to the whole proceeding. Actually the film resembles a bizarre dream one might wake from and go, "what was that about?" and then when you try to remember it later you can't.

A strange futuristic city not unlike other anime future cities. Weird mutant humans who can shoot rays from their hands. Mysterious moody strangers with super-powers. Cute teenage girls with mega-fighting abilities. Sound familiar? Well it is but it's not as derivative as it could have been. The design is very good and the characters are all fascinating but...

I watched it with the hope that it would all somehow come together but it never did. A number of important plot points are hidden in vague dialog references. As other reviewers have mentioned, it's like we are in the middle of some larger story. It's an interesting world that deserved better treatment. However it's not as bad as a number of other pretentious animes and you might enjoy it, just expect a disappointing ending.
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