The Poseidon Adventure (2005 TV Movie)
Take it for what it is and it'll be an enjoyable ride
19 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To say that the first remake of The Poseidon Adventure is "flawed" is the understatement of the decade. The film is rampant with bad acting, a poor script, a film that drags on far longer than necessary, and a hacked up editing job with poor special effects. So how can I give a film like this a 6.5/10....well it also deserves kudos for taking the story in a slightly different direction than it's original predecessor. Some of the characters are not badly done and some of the action is as edge of your seat as the original...just not nearly as much. It's a very watchable Made-For-TV, LOW BUDGET film. If you go into it expecting millions of dollars in budget you'll be shocked, dismayed and probably very disappointed. But if you take it for what it is than you'll see the magic and appreciate it a little more.

The unfortunate part of this remake is they don't ever truly capture any of the main casts characters. Within the first half of the original film you were so taken by each character, you felt connected to them and although this TV Version works on that, it never quites make it. The biggest headliner in this film is probably former big screen star Steve Guttenberg who plays Richard Clarke, aboard the Poseidon with his family to try and have a relaxing vacation and work things out with his estranged wife. I miss Guttenberg, but he's definitely washed up. He looks awful, old, and he doesn't have the spark he once had for being a leading man. His character is quite shallow and you never feel one way or another for him. Rutger Hauer plays Bishop Schmidt, a loose interpretation of Gene Hackman's character from the original. He actually does pretty well, he's one of the better actors and characters but even still they never give it time to really unfold. C. Thomas Howell plays Doctor Ballard and he too does an adequate job and no he doesn't share hardly any screen time with his former Horror film nemesis (obscure pop culture reference that few of you will likely get.) Sylvia Syms tries to take over the role of Belle Rosen from the incomparable Shelley Winters. She too does alright but the character of Belle Rosen is written to shreds in this remake. She doesn't die a hero like she did in the original. Amber Sainsbury and Rory Copus takes over as the brother and sister in the film but this time they are joined by their parents. Copus does a good job as the young film maker, probably one of the better performances and Sainsbury is more eye candy than anything else, her character is underused a lot and the romance between her and C. Thomas Howell is never explored at all. Alexa Hamilton plays their mother (Guttenberg's wife) and her character too is underdeveloped and used. They seem to imply her intelligence and leadership but she never shows it. The only real redeemable performance in the movie is by Adam Baldwin. This guy has been around a long time and done pretty much everything but he is the one person in the film whose character does get explored and you do attach yourself to him. He plays Homeland Security Office Mike Rogo. He's a leader and a fighter and a tough guy but still a heart of gold and he does make the cast tolerable by being in it. Bravo to him!! Direcot John Putch has never really done anything of huge significance and unfortunately this won't turn the tide for him because it is campy and poorly written BUT it is watchable.

The story is quite different from the original film in that Terrorists set off bombs on The Poseidon causing her to capsize. The story begins with these terrorists which is quite different. We also get much more of a story in those who are working to rescue survivors from The Poseidon. This is interesting but also might take a little of the claustrophobic, disaster feel that the original had, away from it. There are still some edge of your seat moments and some great stunts and disturbing deaths that make the film watchable. Also it was nice to see some full fledged moments that pay homage to the original master piece (see my review.) The scene in the ball room with the Christmas Tree is practically pulled right from the original. This is not a good movie by any means but it's also not disgustingly bad. For a TV film it's just fine and if you loved the original you'll enjoy this little homage to it. It's a little long and a little too "Made-For-TV" but it's worth checking out anyways. It'll amuse you if nothing else. 6.5/10
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