Unit One (2000–2004)
Quality TV
11 February 2006
I think my family must be the only one in Australia that sits down and watches Unit One every Friday. But we do. We stumbled across it last year when nothing else was on, and have watched it every week since. Not only do I enjoy listening to the Danish speakers, but the story lines are great. Unit One is a mobile police unit, that travels over Denmark in a semi-trailer that is their office. The group are not only colleagues, they're like family. Each week a new crime must be solved, sending them from one end of the country to the other. But the stories also dive into their personal lives. Ingrid's son, Allan's wife, Gaby and Johnny's relationship... Each week is a new and exciting episode. That is what keeps me coming back, despite the bright yellow subtitles I have to put up with. All in all, Unit One is a brilliant show, with wonderful writing and acting. I give it 8/10
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