I am really enjoying this show
8 February 2006
I've been watching Maddigan's quest on TV and i think it's really good. Good children's series are quite rare these days and so I'm especially grateful for this one. Unfortunately i missed the first episode but the plot as far as i have gathered is as follows; It's set, as i understand it, a long way into the future after a big nuclear war or something has destroyed the civilised world. The characters of the show describe this as "the chaos". Because of this people have gone back to living more primitively without cars or aeroplanes etc. The characters of the show come from the city of Solas (or something like that)which they the light that came out of the great "chaos" bringing hope to the world. They are part of a fantasia (circus) that travels every year, but this year they are not just travelling to perform they are travellings to find a Sola converter for Solas, very important.

But in the even further future Solas is very far from the joyful place the fantasia knows. It is ruled by the evil Nanog (a terribly deformed monstrous being) and people live in fear. It all went wrong for Solas when the fantasia failed to bring back the Sola converter and the main girl, Gawlands, father dies. So after the parents of two boys are killed by the Nanog they travel back in time with their baby sister and a magical talisman, to help retrieve the solar converter and change time. The Nanog sends back two of his men to stop the boys succeeding.

Each episode is centred around a different adventure as the fantasia travels through various different places. So far the adventures have been creative, compelling and fun to watch. The fantasia also consists of a variety of people and i like how we get to know the various different characters and their needs, fears and struggles as the series goes on. I've been watching the show with my little brother (not that you have to have a child to watch it with) and he has also been really enjoying it. I would recommend this show especially as something for family's to watch together, but also for anyone who thinks they might enjoy it.
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