Not as good as the original television series
7 February 2006
Little House on the Prairie (2004 Mini Series) I was a child in the 1980s, and by then I already loved history, so Little House on the Prairie quickly became one of my favourite shows. It was interesting to see this 2004 version of a story that I had loved as a child.

I can't say that it touched me in quite the same way as the original television series, starring Melissa Gilbert, did. Perhaps that is also because I am a little older. But I also think it's because the time and the format did not allow me to become as engaged with the characters.

I thought Kyle Chavarria made a great Laura Ingalls. She had that wonderful cheeky, but adorable, look that Melissa Gilbert also had when she played Laura in the original television series. And Danielle Chuchran had that 'good and sweet' look that you expect from someone playing Mary. I did not think Cameron Bancroft, playing Charles Ingalls, and Erin Cottrall, playing Caroline Ingalls, were quite so well casted. But that may be because I expected them to look like the actors in the original television series.

I have never read the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder and so I cannot compare the television series with the books. I have been meaning to read them for quite some time, but somehow never got around to it.

One scene that always stuck in my mind from the original television series, was when Mr Edwards taught Laura how to spit. I am so glad they kept that in.

I found some of the cinematography a bit annoying. It would frequently focus on one thing, and then move to the focus to another thing, and then blur everything and play some really moving music. I almost felt as if the director was trying to hard to create a film, instead of just telling a story. I think when the filming of a movie makes you think about the cameras and the directors, then it is not really doing its job. I prefer movies and television series (especially one about characters that we already know and love) to sweep you up in the story and make you forget that you are sitting in front of a television screen. I could never do that with the miniseries.

I do think it was a good mini-series, and I would gladly watch it again. But I am afraid I still prefer the original television series. I have already made plans to borrow it on DVD.
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