Klondike (1960–1961)
Klondyke theme and production
2 February 2006
I was in my early teens when this series appeared on the first independent channel we had then in the early 1960s but it was often on too late for me to stay up . However my brief viewing has left me with a lasting reminder of the theme music which fitted in well with the subject and I wonder if it is available on CD. The other thing I remember was the clever way images of some of the cast were superimposed onto an old photograph. Bearing in mind the lack of technology I thought it was done very well. Like a western series called "Outlaws" which appeared around the same time Klondyke broke new ground in realism rather than some of the Roy Rogers type images of earlier years. Although I consider Outlaws went one stage further "Klondyke" still left an impression of one being there. CHRIS TURNER
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