Insensitive world we live in
1 February 2006
I am shocked at the manner in which some people view domestic abuse. It seems that if the woman is being abused, she did something to deserve it and the punishment is light. I believe that Dennis Yalkich was a bully and abused his position as a police officer. It is a known fact that he intimidated his co-workers and would stop at nothing in order to get his way. Why didn't others report him? Are you kidding me? Would you report someone who might come and terrorize you and yours? Where could Donna go? 'Leave her child and flee for her own safety'?? What mother in her right mind would leave her child with a monster? The injustice and unprofessional manner in which the judge acted is such a poor example of our justice system. While I think that the movie could have been 'better', I still thought it was good enough to watch on 2 different occasions. I've read nothing but support for Dennis and how he was the 'victim' here. I see a lot of other victims, those who sympathize with those who abuse their positions and take advantage of others.
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