Mildly entertaining though predictable
31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, before I tear into it let me say that it wasn't a bad film. It was shot rather nicely and had decent production values all around for a low budget flick. Also, the acting was pretty good, and the film moved along at a nice pace so it never came across as boring. Also there were a few scenes with decent tension, a bit of gore and some nudity.

On the downside, well it registered like a 9 on the cliché-o-meter. This is like a slasher/creature in the woods type flick and it's pretty much formula. Do we have a group of tweens going on vacation in the woods? Check. Do they stop at a gas station and get warned not to go to the woods by a crazy guy? Check. Does the driver get distracted and hit someone or something? Check. Do their cell phones not work? Check. Do they split up? Check. Do they find an old, seemingly abandoned house in the woods? Check. Is the house outfitted with lights that flicker, maggots, etc.? Check.

Of out intrepid victims, er, I mean travelers, only a couple are stereotypes, the others come across as fairly normal. Final girl is of course identified pretty much from the start. They did throw in a couple of mild twists, some of which worked. The ending on the other hand was just goofy.

I'll call this a spoiler, though it really is given in the opening scene *** sort of a spoiler *** Our slasher/creature in this is basically some naked girls with pointy teeth. They're supposed to be like fallen angels who liked sex or something, but all they really do is kiss their victims a couple of times then go all cannibal. Now it you're going to do a picture as by-the-numbers predictable as this then you really ought to do something to make it stand out. The way to go with this would have been to play up the gore and sex and nudity. Unfortunately, given the villain, this isn't done. While there are 2 or 3 fairly decent gore bits towards the end the middle is left rather flat.

Since there are horny angels it fits in (not) that there is absolutely no sex. There is nudity, but really not as much as you might first think. Most of it is shot in dark lighting and ultimately most of the scenes with nudity only actually have a few seconds of on screen breastage. I listened to some of the commentary and it seems that the original script was more "erotic" but that they were concerned about the censors, especially when mixing sex and violence. This being a UK film, well I don't know how the censors are about that, but I wish they had gone for it. They didn't so it ended up being more middling than it could have been.

Final analysis is that it was a slightly better than average low budget slasher/monster flick that could have been worse but could have been better. I'll give it a 7/10 for being mildly entertaining. Some gore, some nudity.
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