The Water Is Wide (2006 TV Movie)
Why did they remake it?
30 January 2006
This is a remake of the 1974 film "Conrack", starring John Voight as Pat Conroy. Both films were based on Conroy's autobiographical novel "The Water Is Wide". The 1974 film won a special UN award from the British Actors & Film Technicians Association and the screenplay was nominated for an award by the Writers' Guild of America. The new version, "The Water Is Wide", shows no improvement over the original.

The story is simple and pleasant. A new, young, white, male teacher gets a job teaching the upper grades in a all-black elementary school on an island off the coast of South Carolina. The principal, who teaches the junior grades, is black. She maintains discipline by beating the children. Pat Conroy does not believe in the effectiveness of corporal punishment; instead, he wins over the class with a combination of openness, honesty, humour and tough love.

If you have not seen Conrack, then I could recommend this film, if you do not mind predictable films. One could probably predict the main developments from what I have already said, so I will say no more.
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