Charming, Mysterious Pleasure
29 January 2006
I just watched this movie, which I had gotten on sale somewhere. The title on the DVD I picked up was "Beyond Suspicion" and I got it "on spec", more on the strength of the two headlining performers and the label "thriller." I guess it was a thriller, at least in some sense, but another comment that places it more in the Twilight Zone category seems more accurate to me. Yet not quite that either: this to me is a strangely charming movie, with good strong acting, fine cinematography, and above all, a great script with plenty of psychological twists and turns ... and a satisfying denouement that is appealing at several levels.

I hadn't really intended to comment ... I was just looking this up to see what else there might be about this movie on IMDb ... and then realized that I simply had to offer my humble and grateful homage to this exquisite film.
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