She's Too Young (2004 TV Movie)
come on people!
25 January 2006
the first person who left a comment about this movie obviously grew up in the 50's. i mean come on! ya at the high school i went to girls weren't more popular because they had sex, but at a grade school down the street some of the girls were charging for heads. This is reality folks as much as we want to deny, it is. they mite as well lower the drinking age because its apparent that no one follows it, however to those ppl who do more power to you. pressure is definitely one of the key factors and i think this movie tried to to really portray that. having sex at a young age is scary but the truth. i went to an all catholic all girl high school, and everyone seemed like good girls, but on the inside there was a party at least every weekend and ya drinking went on, i don't no about promiscuous sex but ya sex was there over all i would say this movie was good but thirteen was a million times better. and some of the younger actors could use a little work.
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