Free Zone (2005)
Waste of Time
19 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am going to have to agree with the only other poster in the "user comments" section at this date, "yediotm," and his comment of "bad cinema." I would much rather be saying something favorable, rather than negative, but in this case I feel compelled to do so for some reason -probably because I am getting sick of wasting a good chunk of time watching/dealing with another crap film. I try to spot the junk beforehand, in particular, the myriad of mindless action films that are being released today, but this one didn't have much info on it. It's not that I am hard to please, or have an aversion to foreign films, or something. I actually can find interest in a wide variety of films, and enjoy foreign pictures, having installed English subtitle files to over 200 of them in order to watch and understand them.

That was one of the major problems here - the language. There was some confusion as to what language this film was in, and after searching the web, didn't really learn much more, although it did appear it was in English. The film did have a lot of it in English, maybe close to half, but the rest of it was in Hebrew, or something else, and depending on the scene, kept switching back and forth between languages. Unless you speak that language, you will not understand 1/2 of the conversations and things spoken in the film.

That's not all of it though - by far, as evidenced by yediotm, who is from Israel, and most likely speaks the film's language, and "not understanding what they are saying" is not a major drawback. For me, a good plot is probably the most important factor in a film, and can overcome other inadequacies. There really wasn't much of a plot, and what there was of one, didn't really become apparent until about 45 mins. into the film, and then, it never did play itself out, with the film ending about half-way into it. I may have missed some "messages," or other things the filmmaker was trying to say, but there seemed to be a lot of wasted footage, or filming of little things with no apparent relevancy to anything. One example of wasted footage was the annoying beginning of the film. This was a young lady sitting as a passenger in a car and crying. I think that, after a minute or so of the crying, we would have got it that she was quite unhappy or sad about something. But no, we had to endure this off and on crying for 6 minutes. At least once, I had to verbally respond to the TV with "Alright already, enough with the crying! We got the picture." It was over 7 mins. (including approx. a minute of opening credits) before the film finally started, or started moving along.

Maybe someone else may find something interesting about this film, although I can't imagine what. Again though, maybe there's something I don't understand. About all I found halfway interesting at all, was seeing what some of the Jordan countryside would look like - err ..., or that is, the sights you would see out the window while driving down a highway.
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