Review of Wirehead

Wirehead (1995 Video Game)
Crappy Mega CD/Sega CD FMV game
19 January 2006
I don't know if this game was ever released for any other formats other than the Mega CD/Sega CD, but that's the platform I've been playing it on. It's an FMV (Full Motion Video) game, which means that it's a movie that you control. The problem is that there's not really a game to be played here. The story is that Wirehead is a guy that for some reason has a receiver connected to his head so that you can control him. He apparently also has a bunch of cameramen following him, but that's never explained. The problem with the game is that all you do is press up, down, left, right or the occasional A, B or C buttons at the right time. Press the wrong button and see Wirehead get caught, and you get to play a whole chunk of the game over again. It's all just trial and error. It's never about skill. I don't know exactly how many moves you have to memorize to complete the game, but it's a whole lot. You'll probably be bored with it before you've even learned half. And after you've finished it, what's the point going back? It's not that there's a really great story there or anything. If anything, this game will be looked upon as one of those novelty FMV games that came out in the early 90's but never really made an impact on the gaming community. It's really a shame, because games such as Ground Zero Texas and Double Switch showed some promise to the genre. Imagine what they could do with the technology available today.
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