Gossip (I) (2000)
The Three Quickest Forms Of Communication Are ...
18 January 2006


...and tell a woman

Apologies for that old fashioned joke but it did make me smile and apologies too that anyone might think it's actually true because I know fine well from bitter personal experience that idle or malicious gossip and two faced chit chat that can affect a life is just as likely to be started by males as much by females . I guess everyone already knew that ?

Interesting to note though that women like this film slightly more than men . I have to confess that I wasn't too keen on it . Now this had nothing to do with sexism and had everything to do with the way the story was developed which centres around rumours of a rape and before you can blink the rumours have spread all over college campus and a student finds himself facing charges . Other reviewers have rightly pointed out that the story is entirely dumb so I won't bother reiterating the points they've raised except to say " What about forensic evidence ? for a charge to be brought " . I also have a problem that it's a movie that's entirely made for a teen market which means the cast is young and good looking and we have to endure the MTV type of filming which totally negates any type of drama
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