One of the funniest DVD special features I've ever seen
13 January 2006
This hilarious spoof of classic children's show "Clutch Cargo" had me in tears. It's not at all what I expected when I first bought the "Incredibles" DVD and started watching it.

Essentially it begins with Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson) watching a new TV series spin-off of their adventures and exploits.

However Frozone takes offense to the film as he is dubbed over by a white man and the animation is horrible and simplistic. The story also includes a bunny named "Mr. Skipperdoo." I was in tears because anyone who remembers these old '60s TV shows with the cheesy moving mouths plastered over top of still drawings will know how appalling they were. This is an adult-geared special feature, and its mediocre rating on IMDb, I'm sure, has something to do with the younger voters not "getting it."
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