Enjoyable Culture Clash Comedy!
12 January 2006
'American Cousins' is a surprisingly enjoyable, comedy drama lensed in the rain soaked streets of Glasgow, Danny Nucci,and Dan Hedeya play Gino/Settimo respectively, two bumbling mafioso who are way in over their heads, when a botched deal with crooked Ukrainians goes sour ,they find themselves on the run and decide to pay their 'cousins a visit, The cousins in question are a Grandpa and Grandson duo Played by Gerald Lepowski, As Roberto, The late Russell Hunter as Nono, The two run an established fish and chip shop, in the heart of Glasgow's barrows area, The two mafioso lend the pair a hand in chasing off local debt collectors,and generally help run the establishment with hilarious consequences,The ever Brilliant,Shirley Henderson,plays Alice, the waitress whom Roberto lusts after, 'American Cousins' is one of the more enjoyable Scottish film's of recent years,
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