The Magical World of Disney: Ballerina: Part 1 (1966)
Season 12, Episode 19
Wonderful Movie,Impossible To See Now!!!!
11 January 2006
Great movie ,suitable for adults and young people,back from the days when Disney credited both with some intelligence. Mette Honnigen as the ballet student whose mother opposes her desire to be a ballerina,and a fiancé who'd rather she married him. Features some lovely ballet performances from the Royal Danish Ballet in its heyday. Also starring Kirsten Simone as the prima ballerina,who becomes Mette's mentor. Filmed In Denmark,with beautiful sets(love Mette's home),and picture-postcard scenery. It's too bad that Disney changed its TV programming to vacuous cookie-cutter "tween" shows and assembly-line "stars"-and gives its narrowly-targeted current audience credit for the IQ and attention span of a gnat. Because that means that they stashed away movies like this one that had a universal appeal to all ages. If you can find it,see it,and if not,"thank" Disney and good luck getting them to release it.
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