Exit to Eden (1994)
film making at it's most masochistic
5 January 2006
i saw this film many years ago and have since mostly tried to block it out the memories of it. Unfortunately during a marathon session of psychotherapy this pile molten rat dung came to light, and i now blame it for ALL my social behavioral problems. To complain about acting, plot, direction, screen writing, et cetera, would completely miss the point and the central tragedy surrounding this film. At some point in time somebody thought it was a decent and sell-able idea to cut a handsome check to dan akroyrd (god bless him for elwood) and rosie o'donnell to put on bondage gear and strut around nude with bad wisecracks for the better part of a ninety minute movie. I'm not terribly original in my reviews of movies (nor anything in this life) and i don't think i'm the first in IMDb to point it out but there is a level of true masochism in casting photogenically impaired stars to star in a motion picture about sado-masochism and bondage. The irony (intended or not) can't be lost on people. This is truly one of the most awful things committed to film since Pink Flamingoes, which could always fall back on the cynical train wreck view of film as a reason to watch. No, someone took this seriously and perpetrated it in cold blood.

PS Dana Delaney is kinda hot.......

2 out of ten only because there is no zero and i was too lazy to make it to one....
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