totally hooked... right from the opening credits.... what a voice!
9 January 2006
As a kid, there are certain movies that stick with you.. usually ones that are either of "that time" or very old classics your parents show you. I grew up watching a lot of tele-movies (whoops), but one of the very few that stuck with forever was "80 steps to Jonah". I can't get this bloody film out of my head (and drive my partner mad because I continuously talk about it)! I already knew of and loved Wayne Newton (I was about 8 at the time) and his bizarro womanly-vibrato tone, but when I saw this movie, I loved every second - Erin Moran (Joni from Happy Days), Micky Rooney (.... everything), Jo Van Fleet (East of Eden), Sal Mineo (Rebel without a Cause), Keenan Wynn (... everything), etc.. It's definitely a flick that you see as a Sunday matinée - probably by yourself - but sit, enjoy, take it all in.... it's brilliant! There are no Academy or Global Awards to be given, but once you've seen this, you can't do anything to stop yourself from loving it and then wanting to see it again.... to have it on tap when you feel the need :) Like it or not - choose to admit it or not - this film ROCKS!! Wayne Newton (in his Hey-Day) could deliver a tune with so much soul - this film is so cute it's like an endless supply of yummy chocolate fondue. For those who agree.. you ROCK toooo! I've never met anyone who has ever seen or heard of it. Also, if anyone knows where I could get a copy and could pass the info on, I would be forever appreciative :) Have a great 2006! Selena
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