The Hollow (2004 TV Movie)
Reasonable Slash Movie
7 January 2006
In the city of the Sleepy Hollow, a descendant of Ichabod Crane is hunted by the Headless Horseman in the Halloween night.

This silly movie is a reasonable slash movie. There are some good special effects, and the big secret to have a good time is to shut down the brain and do not think while watching "The Hollow". There are many stupid lines, especially from the character of Karen that makes the movie funnier. I only recommend this movie for viewers that loves slash movies and do not have a better option to see. It is impressive the numbers of favorable reviews released for this movie in IMDb by users with only one review, just to promote "The Hollow". They probably will give lots of negative votes to this comment, but I would like to advise IMDb users that this procedure is adopted in many bad movie, to mislead the reader with good reviews. Pay attention on the number of reviews written by the reviewer. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Halloween Macabro" ("Macabre Halloween")
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