Review of Tiger Heart

Tiger Heart (1996)
the most underrated bad movie ever!!!
3 January 2006
I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life, and I am an avid Family Guy/Simpsons fan.

This movie deserves to be way at the top of the bottom 100. I have got to get this on VHS (doesnt come on DVD even) The martial arts scenes are horribly choreographed, the acting is superbly horrible, the dialogue is fantastically disgraceful. The lead character is a scrawny annoying dork and the sidekick is even worse!But, there is some eye candy! You must go see this!!! Please vote this as a 1.0 and not a 10.00. I know you are trying to be satirical but, please this must be viewed by all as this is one of the best worst movies EVER!

-"Thanks Soccer Mummy. You made me believe in myself again!"
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