Not gripping
2 January 2006
Saw this on DVD as 'The Cruel Deep' which as a title is rather meaningless. Yes there is a lot of sea but it looked pretty and blue as it always seems to do around Greece. After a preamble in historic Lesvos and an unconnected bit at a water dam a simple and ungripping plot emerges that gives various actors a chance to show how bland they can be.

It also gave the film makers a chance to show how bland computer generated effects can be. When computer effects in films look like part of a computer game, well the game is up and inertia sets in. Why use real water pouring down ship corridors when completely false CGI water will do? Ask the producers.

It was a film where I was rooting for the bad guys and Harry Van Gorkum as the villainous Brit is watchable compared to the rest. The heroine is your typical 'I'm posited as a clever and capable woman but become more stupid and helpless as the film progresses' type role. Rob Lowe has a nice beard though.
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