Review of Laurel Canyon

Laurel Canyon (2002)
good character development, bad plot
26 December 2005
The overall plot was weak, but they did a fair job of character development. I thought this was especially true for Sam (Christian Bale): at the beginning I found him so 1-dimensional but thought they really added some complexity to the character by the end that made me think about who this person was. Any movie that can make me think about the characters after the movie is over, did a good job of developing characters.

Also, I think this movie possesses what has to be one of the most realistic and sexy scenes ever: when Sam & Sara are sitting in the car telling each other what they've fantasized doing to one another, I found that so raw and sexual. Almost uncomfortable.

Frances MacDormand is good--she's always good--but I thought this was a bit too easy for her. Like she just sort of laid back and played her role.

I'm in love with both Christian Bale and Frances MacDormand so I had to watch this, but with the exception of the car scene, it was not great.
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