Monsters and Stars of Yesteryear, with a dollop of strange.
23 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... where to begin? How 'bout by saying that THE PEOPLE THAT TIME FORGOT is the purest form of '70s "Love Boat" style casting mixed up with some plentiful, if not entirely convincing, special effects, and that this film represents the genre of cheeseball SF in all its questionable glory? Doug McClure, Dana Gillespie, that cowboy dude who was related to somebody, they all traipse across the screen and shout "Gawddammit!" and have heavy monologues with an intensity akin to Shakespeare's MACBETH... instead of an obscure adaptation of one of ERB's less remembered stories. But it's all good fun, especially the pilot guy who does his hash marks with five lines and THEN a dash and treats pterodactyls with the same ornery attitude he'd give crows in his cornfield. He looks like the type to have a cornfield. And TREMBLE at the fury that is "confused 1970s gender commentary" and "barely simmering sexual resentment"! I'd be resentful too if the other woman was Dana Gillespie and I'd been playing the 'headstrong hair-in-a-bun' type too long.

Very briefly, Doug McClure's character (who got left behind in movie #1)has got a buddy who sets up an expedition to find the lost continent of Caprona and save ol' Rawhide. There's the prerequisite gang of SF stock characters including the frosty professional lady and the salt-of-earth mechanic along with the scientist and McClure's buddy... who he knew in the war or something. Nuff said, their plane crash lands beyond the ice mountains, stranding them in Caprona where they find puppet monsters and evil cavemen. No, not evil, just misunderstood. Eventually the party picks up a cave babe and finds The Mountain Of Skulls where McClure has grown a beard and been imprisoned, in that order. The Naga Samurai Type Guys will sacrifice the ladies and execute the men-folk unless Rawhide and Wayne can two-fist a way out of there. Which they do. But then they get chased by a volcano. When's the last time you saw anything like that?

Check it out. Dana Gillespie had (cough) personal relations with David Bowie, and here she is waving a Bowie knife around. Coincidence? Most likely, yes.

The women are attractive, the dinosaurs are nasty, the plot moves along fast enough and you get unexpected samurai action- though I just revealed the presence of said samurai... spoilers... oh well, the whole thing's weird enough to warrant a look, especially for someone not used to that sort of thing... weird dinosaurs, I mean.
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