Night Sun (1990)
extremely well-acted but far from perfect
22 December 2005
This was a good film and I enjoyed watching it. However, I also understand that while I could sit through the film, many others would be bored by both its slow pacing and the lack of emotional range from the characters. Julian Sands portrays this emotionally limited man and he seemed to do a good job with it--but people wanting action and excitement in their films will probably have a hard time sticking with the film.

So on the plus side were the acting, cinematography and musical score. One the negative side was the ambiguous plot. The exact motivations for Sands' character and the point the author (Tolstoy) is trying to make seem a little vague.

Overall, a decent film and worth seeing, though there are of course some better Italian films.

PS--in the original Tolstoy version, does it REALLY take place in Italy or was the setting Russia? I am curious to know.
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