Curse of the Talisman (2001 TV Movie)
Better "luck" next time, Talisman-people
20 December 2005
"Curse of the Talisman" is an endurable but completely pointless made-for-TV occult thriller that suffers a little too much from script-stupidity and it causes you to laugh during sequences when you ought to be scared. I'm sure the director as well as the young & enthusiast cast members all had good intentions to make this film a fantastic career move, but the subject matter is just too vague and the whole production completely lacks memorable aspects. The clumsy special effects and lousy acting performances are forgivable, but what's up with all this illogical nonsense the characters do and say? OK, question… In case you are requested to illegally guard a statue in your basement and some kind of living creature crawled out of it, would just assume it's an ordinary bat and start feeding it, no questions asked?!? Well, nobody would except for young hero Jeremy Campbell, who then regretfully discovers that the animal is a portentous gargoyle, still on its ancient mission to destroy the world along with the rest of his species. Together with his equally dumb high school friends and a very implausible priest character, Jeremy has to prevent the gargoyle from awakening his stoned friends in the museum. The story already isn't very interesting and then it still features the same old, annoying clichés like high-school popularity contests, the romance between the geek and the babe, the hippie bookstore owner and the entirely pointless & blurry dream-sequences! Yawn!! There are some incredibly imbecile plot-twists (for example, the priest suddenly comes up with an alternate and equally efficient way to destroy the gargoyles after a million fruitless attempts to stop them) and the "horrifying" monsters are actually pretty cute. They look somewhat like Gremlins with wings and shiny red eyes. The acting performances are quite embarrassing but Sara Gleeson is real beauty.
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