This is the Best Scrooge.
17 December 2005
While other performers and renditions of the Dickens immortal classic "A Christmas Choral" were good, Alastair Sim irrefutably brought the best Ebenezer Scrooge to the silver screen.

Sim's does not force the crusty misers roiled attitude towards humanity in this 1950's classic.Never before or since has the angry and intolerable Scrooge been portrayed with such realism and spirit.

The rest of the cast does not disappoint for a moment, as they are superb in their own right.

Jacob Marleys ghost, Michael Horden, gives us the most dramatic, animated, and woeful Marley to date.

Probably, most important, is Sim's transformation in this film. As mentioned earlier, his crusty demeanor is not forced or made to look disingenuous. Neither is his rebirth, as Sim's demonstrates a mans honest attempt for redemption after confronting his life, and the lives to which he is connected.
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