It's certainly not a wonderful movie
17 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting to enjoy this movie, considering the actors involved. But I just didn't like it. I can forgive a weak or convoluted plot, but I can't forgive irritating characters and unbelievable relationships.

I saw no chemistry between James Stewart and Claudette Colbert. Their shouting and bickering got on my nerves, and I never once believed they were falling in love. It didn't help that Stewart's character rarely treated her as anything more than a pesky nuisance, and I don't understand why Colbert's character would fall for a guy who treated her so badly! One moment she's genuinely afraid of him, then all of a sudden she's determined to follow him everywhere and help him solve/prevent murders? I didn't buy it. So what if she learns that he's not quite the dangerous criminal she believed him to be? The fact remains that he kidnapped and menaced her repeatedly. Was it supposed to be CUTE that he kept threatening to "pop" her?! And are we meant to find his chauvinistic attitude charming? Personally I find her pathetic for chasing after this jerk, so eager to please.

Apart from the unfunny dialogue, there's an unpleasant nasty/violent streak throughout this movie, which makes it difficult to enjoy as a screwball comedy. I lost track of how many times people got knocked out - the worst offense being Stewart knocking Colbert unconscious. Of course, after that, she still loves and helps him. It all leaves a bad taste in one's mouth.
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