Review of Dirty Love

Dirty Love (2005)
Ridiculous tasteless mess
14 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. I can't believe I watched the whole thing. Plus bonus features. Somehow this DVD came across me like a car wreck: I just had to watch how bad this whole idea was getting. Let me summarize...

Jennie McCarthy, the ex-Playmate-turned-MTV-show-icon-of-yesteryears-past, plays a girl, Rebecca, who has just gotten dumped by a typical model in a Hollywood setting. She basically tries to forget him, but he appears in every restaurant and club she goes to to forget him. She gets hooked up with horribly impossible men by her two friends (played by Carmen Electra and Kam Heskin). Her friends have totally horrible taste in men, and Rebecca's other friend (Eddie Kaye Thomas of "American Pie" fame) tries to make his move on Rebecca, but his consistent nice0guy attitude never gets him anywhere with what he wants to tell her. You can imagine who gets the girl in the story by now.

Well, Jennie McCarthy had balls to put her career (what's left of it) on the line by throwing herself out on a limb with her horrible acting skills (I think she might be the closest thing to a female Jim Carey in Hollywood because of the natural way her face contorts). That's about all the credit I'll give her in this trashy, no-taste DVD which seems to try and get a gross-out factor every other scene. From a short clip of Eddie Kaye Thomas pissing on the ex's couch to a extremely long scene of nothing but Jennie running around a grocery store, bleeding all over the store due to her time of the month.

There were funny moments in the movie, but hardly any of them came from McCarthy herself. She played more like a messed up Barbie-doll-type with a ho-hum script to work from. She did make fun of herself throughout the film like she had done on her old show in the 90's on MTV, and she even has a scene where she just gets mad at her boobs in public and starts shouting at them ("They're just a couple sacks of fat!") I loved Guillermo Diaz (from "Half Baked" and "Old School") as the zany magician she dates, and the guy whose fetish for fish up his butt. Carmen Electra played a very convincing ghetto-queen (which makes me think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree for her).

I gave the movie 3/10 stars because c' comeback role for yourself after years of missing from the public eye should not amount to this. There's no wonder in my mind why her husband directed this (she joked that even if Steven Spielberg wanted to direct, she would still choose her husband...yeah right Spielberg would even read the script). She would've faired better to just play herself because that's what playing "Rebecca" seemed like. And the whole thing has a horrible and contrived message and Cinderella story in reverse genders added for no real reason other than to provide an ending to this crap. Skip it.
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