Review of The Beach

The Beach (I) (2000)
Beautifil Looking Update of Heart of Darkness/Lord of the Flies
12 December 2005
"The Beach" is "Lord of the Flies" about 20somethings who have seen "Apocalypse Now" (it's referred to visually and aurally) but don't seem to have read "Heart of Darkness" which inspired it, and which this is basically with a bit of sex and/or desire added (I didn't read the book but the reviews say that wasn't in the Garland book either.)

"Deer Hunter" is also brought to mind with its view of Asian cities and exotic risks; "Return to Paradise" takes the same milieu for a much higher moral purpose.

I did like the irony of using Leo in one of the sex scenes as just a straight business service deal. The camera also loves Leo and Boyle ramps up the story line with visuals almost as dazzling as in his "Trainspotting," particularly with the frequent references and visualizations of video games.

Leo here reminds me of how Jane Fonda would be used in her movies, as the naive American or outsider who gradually learns a lesson in sophistication that the rest of the jaded world already knows. The descent is a bit too swift and not 100% believable.

Tilda Swinton is terrific as the leader, though I guess her stupid lug of a boyfriend is just good in bed. Robert Carlyle is briefly in it but is quite memorable and as usual incomprehensible. That man should just walk around with subtitles.

The cinematography is gorgeous, but I think it would be hard to ruin the scenery.

The soundtrack is lovely and surprisingly too is the electronica.

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