Review of Pusher

Pusher (1996)
Danish excellence!
10 December 2005
I had a tough time deciding if this movie should get a 7 or 8 rating. It is an excellent movie in just about every aspect. The two things that influenced me to give it a seven is that I had very high expectations that was not met fully, plus it is not my very favorite category of movie (although I really do love these "realistic" underworld crime dramas).

The things that make this movie stick out is primarily direction and acting. Director Nicolas Winding Refn (this being his first full feature) brings fresh blood and thinking, mainly resulting in a series amazingly well done handy-camish quality shots. Also he apparently challenged the actors to really get into their roles, doing in-depth research and such. I have heard that his high demands on the actors has a downside as some actors get "burned out" from the pressure.

But the acting is very good, and that goes for lead actors as well as extras (with the possible exception of Peter Andersson (playing the drug-searching Swede), but I must admit to having a personal problem with the stiff acting I feel Swedes in general represent). My favorite performance in this flick is without a doubt Laura Drasbæk. To me she does an excellent performance of the naive stripper/luxury hooker Vic (the lead character's girlfriend(?)). By the way, Mads Mikkelsen (the lead character's side-kick) is also seen in King Arthur, as Arthur's bird attached blade swinger.

To sum up; although I haven't been close to the world in question, the movie feels rather realistic and raw, although maybe not the whole way. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a masterpiece - but it is a really well done movie with an intriguing story. I tip my hat off to the danish movie industry!
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