A disappointment
9 December 2005
As a New Yorker, I am proud of Giuliani and felt that viewers of "Rudy" would walk away with the impression that the mayor did little for his city. When I tuned in to this film, I thought I was going to watch a film that would really do justice to Rudy Giuliani's work as mayor. Instead, the screenplay focused on Giuliani's extra-marital relationships. His work to eliminate organized crime did not appear to be an enormous challenge in this film, and the screenwriter did not seem to care about accenting Giuliani's accomplishments. He was more concerned with reducing Giuliani to the status of an adulterer. The continuous focus on Giuliani's love life made his commitment to lower the crime laws look like a trivial accomplishment and the portrayal of his battle with cancer made him look weak rather than stoic. If, as James Woods said, this is a film that without Rudy-bashing, I cannot imagine what those who disprove of the politician would produce. Viewers would benefit from finding another way to spend two hours of their lives.
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