With Honors (1994)
Nice little movie, but easily forgettable
28 November 2005
Nice story, nice acting. This is a good movie, but not great.

The movie does have a nice message and all, and it has A-list actors (Joe Pesci and Brandon Frasier), but this movie was never monumental, and I am pretty sure it never will be. It won no awards and hasn't received much attention. It's a shame actually -- this really is a nice little film. I think it's tons better than Titanic, but it will never be recognized as such. This movie was made almost 12 years ago, and soon it will fade into obscurity.

I doubt that most people would want this in their DVD collection, unless someone sells it for under a buck or someone gives it as a gift. It's worth it though, if you go for these nice small movies rather than big thrillers or cheap comedies.
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