Fantastic Film
25 November 2005
I had the extreme pleasure of seeing this film this past spring when it premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival here in NYC. I have been an admirer of George Michael's work since the age of 8 and have followed his career ever since. Living in the States makes being a fan of George's (over the last decade) very difficult as our music industry favors talentless, half naked, soul selling performers over dynamic talent any day.

This film gives George Michael fans in the states the opportunity to hear him explain where he is in his life now and all that we would have never had a glimpse into otherwise. The movie follows his career from childhood to the current day. Sitting in that theater felt like going to a George Michael concert.... or having dinner with him.. or perhaps a bit of both.

Any follower of his music would have a ball seeing this documentary... and what a blast from the past it was.
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