Talk Soup (1991–2002)
Laughter beats Drugs
21 November 2005
After being kicked out of the Marine Corp in 1992, I went through a 2 year downward spiral of depression and drug abuse living in cheap motels that had cable TV and the new E! cable station. One thing I will never forget after all the drugs was gone is Greg Kinnear brilliance during the 1992 - 1993 season of Talk Soup. He was truly a master. I never heard of Talk Soup or Greg before I saw him on E! and believe me, Greg wore me out with laughter so hard that it knocked me into sobriety many times. His deadpan humor was not the conventional stuff of comics but on a whole different level altogether. I remember watching him immediately after Ophrah had just interviewed Michael Jackson for a one hour special. Greg ripped into Michael and I loved it along with Michael. Greg was OFF THE HOOK and I never forgot HIM or Talk Soup because of his off beat sense of humor and his take on the insanity of Talk Shows. If Greg hosted that show today, I would watch it because he was so good at examining the ridiculousness of Talk shows. I always said back than that one day, I hoped that I would be able to purchase episodes of Greg when he hosted Talk Soup and I hope that day is soon. Thanks Greg for the fun when my life was miserable - man, you may have "wasted" a lot of the drug I took when i watched you, but I am a happier man for it today. I will never, ever forget that season.
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