This Guy Is Pure Id
20 November 2005
Harold Peary's title character is a delight. The guy is id personified: Everything that comes into his mind, he comments on. He says what he thinks. Or he makes sounds that seem to him appropriate. Kind of like a suave caveman.

His family is very appealing. Freddie Mercer, as his nephew LeRoy, is a likable child actor. In addition, he has a beautiful boy soprano voice. O for the days when children were given voice and music lessons in their homes! (Rich or extraordinarily gifted children still are but this is a precursor to Mayberry, RFD.) Gildersleeve is pursued here by a truly man-crazy woman. We are distracted from this initially because she is the homely, bespectacled spinster daughter of the town judge. But she really likes men.

It's a charming bit of nostalgia.
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