Almost two hours of unnecessary violence
20 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen lots of bad movies, but this one is so bad it's beyond belief. I hate these war films in the style "Americans are the best and all the others are garbage". I don't understand how can anyone shoot a "film" like this, how can anyone produce it, and how the hell can someone watch it..... The plot is about American soldiers constrained in Vietnam during the absurd USA-Vietnam war. Everything in the film is directed against Vietnamese people, Vietnamese are shown as evil, cruel bastards with no regret and Americans are shown as those who are always good, fair and against violence. I don't understand how could Chuck Norris condescend himself to something like this. How the hell can someone who in real features to be against violence, against racism and so on act in such a crap?? The "movie" is full of unnecessary brutal scenes, the whole atmosphere is depressive and racist. The fight scenes are terribly choreographed, Norris is slow and clumsy and he appeals very non-athletic. Besides Norris is a bad and wooden actor and so is the rest of the "actors" in this crap-movie. And what the hell was the end supposed to mean?? Terrible hand-to-hand combat with hardboiled murder at the very end?? Gosh!!! I beg everyone, If you have any discernment, never watch this. It's a violent and racist crap with no plot and no acting. If you want to have REAL entertainment with REAL martial arts watch for example Jackie Chan's Police Story!!!
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