14 November 2005
It is very important to point out that this really is not a 3 Stooges movie. That's because much of it is really an ice skating movie featuring Olympic champion Carol Heiss (or whatever the spelling is) AND it has the most unfunny of all "stooges"--Joe DeRita. DeRita managed to be even MORE annoying and less talented than the horrible Joe Besser because he tried to be "nice" and "cute"--two things no REAL stooge should ever be! In fact, I am strongly of the opinion that NONE of the feature-length stooge movies featuring DeRita are worth watching. They all are terrible and completely unfunny. Moe and Larry, despite having some talent, are mostly pathetic to watch as they just look very old and very tired. Why didn't they just retire after the death of Curly (or perhaps Shemp)? Only a masochist would willingly watch this film.
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