Review of Gorotica

Gorotica (1993)
Pretty Poor Low-Budget Sleaze
13 November 2005
I like a good low-budget "shocker" as good as the next guy, but unfortunately this one just isn't good.

The basic story - 2 thieves pull a jewel heist that goes bad. One guy ends up dead. Enter a freaky-ass chick who likes to f'ck dead people who offers to take the dead guy off his friends hands. She takes the corpse home and f'cks it (of course...). When he gets a little too "ripe" for her taste, she sells it to her gay friend who has AIDS so that he can have a "safe" partner (!!!). There's some other nonsensical bullsh!t that happens in between but that's pretty much it.

The story sounds pretty cool (for us sick bastards out there) but this one really doesn't deliver. The whole jewel heist story-line feels forced and silly, and the ending seems tacked on and pointless. The whole film feels like it was done in a weekend with a $6 budget. Not much to recommend here - only worth a look to say that you've seen it. I give it a generous 4/10 just for the fact that the concept is kinda ballsy.
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