The Descent (2005)
A blast of a stress fest. Great for a close date.
10 November 2005
I wish I had seen this film on the big screen. I imagine in a dark theater, with the huge screen and surround sound this film was amazing...hence all of the excellent IMDb reviews. I purchased this film on DVD because of the great response and I wasn't disappointed. It wasn't the scariest film I've ever seen. In fact I wasn't really scared much at all, BUT my wife and her friend were scared out of their minds...which made it more fun for me. THE DESCENT is a very well made chiller with excellent pacing and a bunch of great jump-out-of-your-seat moments. The creatures are cool, but not so frightening, I guess cause the ladies in the film kill them so easily. The makeup was on the verge of being a little Star Treky but the gore is fantastic. I watched it a second time alone to see if the hype had hurt my first viewing and I'd have to say it did a bit. The second time I watched it I was really impressed and startled quite a few times. If you're looking for a film to rent to get closer to your lady or man this is the film for you. And if you're in The States where this film hasn't opened yet definitely take advantage of seeing this film at the's gonna be a great ride. Grade A horror fare. I highly recommend it.
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