One Six Right (2005)
Beautifully Done
10 November 2005
This is not a movie about airplanes. This is not a movie about pilots. This is a movie about passion. Yes airplanes are the main subject along with Van Nuys airport, but its about the awe that flying can give a person.

This is beautifully done. Beautiful cinematography, amazing sights and sounds and a score that will transport you to a different place as you watch. Just the music itself is enough to make you cry. Not sad tears, but tears of joy, of how truly wonderful what your watching is. There were times during the movie when I was welling up with how graceful and alluring that the passion of flying is.

When a movie gives you emotion, especially genuine delightfulness, from watching it, then you know this is something great.

If there is one movie in this world that is magical.......this is it.
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