About the best Abbott and Costello film
9 November 2005
When I was a kid, I watched every Abbott and Costello film that came on TV--I was a die-hard addict. However, something strange occurred as I grew older. It seemed the older I got the less funny this duo seemed to be. I still enjoy them, but also see that there is a big difference in quality in their films--they're not all winners! Much of it could be that their humor was geared more to kids and much of it could be that so much of their humor seems now to be re-treads of old vaudeville routines. Having seen some of the very same routines done by the 3 Stooges and Olson & Johnson makes me now realize how tired Abbott and Costello films could be.

However, despite this, I STILL find myself laughing at Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. Instead of hoary vaudeville routines, there is a delightful mix of jokes, excellent Universal studio horror greats and a creepy atmosphere.

The film's plot is pretty weird. It seems that Dracula (Bela Lugosi) has found Frankenstein (Glenn Strange) and the monster is in pretty bad shape. So, to fix his problems once and for all, Drac has used his hypno powers to control a pretty doctor whose job is to operate on the beast--and giving him a simpler and easier to control brain so that Drac can use him for evil. Whose mind is the simplist and easiest to control? Lou's, that's for sure. So much of the film is spent scheming to get a hold of him and operate. However, the Wolf-Man (Lon Chaney, Jr.) has wind of this plan and is there to try to stop them. It may not sound very funny, but it definitely is. Plus, it's the best monster comedy ever with laughs throughout.

Give it a try--even if you HATE Abbott and Costello, you're bound to like this one.
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