Review of G

G (2002)
Waste of Time. (Spoilers ahead)
7 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this movie. Basic premise is, Girl dates struggling artist/entrepreneur in college. Girl dumps artist/entrepreneur for new rich guy who sweeps her off her feet with time and gifts. Girl runs of and marries rich guy. Years later, Artist/Entrepreneur becomes rich and famous. Girl artist/entrepreneur meet again. Old feelings still there, what will happened next?? Nothing to original about it, but still could make for an interesting story. Despite my high hopes, and, as one user commented, it's not a good sign when it takes 3 years to get a movie out there.

My first complaint is that first 2 minutes basically give away the ending of the movie! It wasn't that difficult for me to figure out what would happen once I saw the opening sequence. I was hoping not to be right, and looking for a surprise ending, or a twist. Sadly, I got neither. It was just as predictable as I feared. Yeah, the actual shooter could be seen as a twist, but I saw that coming as the movie went on too.

I was not impressed with Chenoa Maxwell's role or acting ability at all. She basically comes off as a money hungry ditz, who is only interested in men that will spend money on her, or bow to her every demand

My advice, Save your money. It's interesting to see typical good guy Underwood play a semi-abusive womanizing jerk, but you hate his wife so much you can't be mad at him. And Richard T Jones was decent, but I would have liked to see a little more depth to him than some lovesick puppet willing to do everything for this woman who betrayed his trust in the past.
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