Review of Blessed

Blessed (2004)
Supporting roles are the only reason to watch this clone
4 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about a young couple who get this offer to come and try in-vitro-fertilization at this clinic in a town called Lakeview in upstate NY. Well first I want to say there is a town named Lakeview, NY but not upstate but on Long Island. This tells me right away that the writer of this movie did not do their homework...a omen.

It seems that the people in this town have some type of connection to the in-vitro clinic but also this cloning clinic that is in the same building. It looks like they want to clone the devil or want this woman to have the devils spawn. I am not to sure which one, because the movie seems not to be sure either. David Hemmings plays this super rich man who seems to have a golden opportunity for the hubby who is a unemployed writer. But it also seems that this man owns the cloning clinic and has gotten a hold of some of Satan's blood drops.

When they visit the town to get the treatment the wife notices that her neighbor who is pregnant is missing and this man with a black hooded robe was seen running from the last place she was seen. I am not going to spoil who the man is, but I think unless the viewer has a IQ of 2 they will be ahead of the plot. We also have the clueless hubby. I saw a movie the other day called Glow and it was about a young couple who moves in a brownstone with these senior citizens who are fitness fanatics, well a neighbor goes missing in this one too and it doesn't take genius to figure out what is going on. Well the hubby is a idiot in this movie too. If I was a twenty-something husband I would want to know why they are always portrayed as idiots, when their wife is in peril.

The wife in this movie played by Heather Graham isn't too bright either. She goes to get sonar gram of the baby and she doesn't even ask for a picture after complaining about something being very wrong. This fetus is punching holes in her stomach and all she needs is the doctor to tell her she is having twins as a explanation.

There was a terrible Joan Collins movie called "I don't want to be born" which this movie rivals. It is about a devils spawn baby who kills people, kind of like the Omen. This movie is a combo of that and Rosemary's Baby.

I watched this movie because when I first turned it on I noticed the man who plays Mark Anthony in the series Rome plays the husband. He really hasn't have much to do. I am going to miss David Hemmings, who played the rich man who owned the clinic, this was his last movie. And Fionulla Flanagen has a nice role as the husbands agent who is the first to get smart about what is happening. And Stella Stevens who is a real estate agent is very good, she looks great too. It is a OK movie to watch on cable but do not expect much.
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