The Fog (2005)
Kill me now and save me from trash like this...
1 November 2005
I recently saw THE FOG and then read a lot of the reviews posted on IMDb about it. In my opinion, you people are being TOO easy on it. Can you rate anything BELOW a 1? Can I give a NEGATIVE rating to this film? And most of all, I'm writing Revolution Studios and demanding my money back. When you pay money to see something in a theater, I feel that there is a mutual and unspoken guarantee from the studio releasing it that the film will, at the very least, resemble something that LOOKS as if it were made by a group of people who know something about film-making. After seeing this, I would have to seriously question whether or not Rupert Wainwright has ever actually seen a film or if he's just going by what other people have told him ("Hey, Rupert, movies are really cool! You use this thing called a camera and it records people doing neat stuff! Doesn't that sound interesting?").

I don't need to be insulted like this. The original FOG was a good, solid piece of horror film-making that generated its scares by making the most of a small budget along with great music and decent effects. The new one is a poop stain on the remake underbelly that Hollywood has chosen to embrace. I don't just hate this movie, I LOATHE it. I loathe it and everything that it stands for because what it stands for is taking your money and then kicking you in the balls.
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