Review of G

G (2002)
Austin Movie Show review (ridiculous and racist)
30 October 2005
You can tell a lot about a movie by its release date… or in this case, it's release YEAR. G was made in 2002, and we're finally seeing it in limited release at the end of 2005. There's a reason why studios and theaters weren't rushing to release this one. How can I describe G? It's Boyz 'N The Hood, but this time the Hood is the Hamptons. This is not The Great Gatsby that F. Scott Fitzgerald had in mind when he wrote the classic novel. However, it's certainly an original idea for movie ("There just weren't enough rap moguls in the 1920s version"), but G is by no means a good movie in any way.

The black stereotypes are horrific! Four up-and-coming rappers are driving around the Hamptons complaining that they can't find Newports, 40s, or McDonalds anywhere! Yes, I laughed, but I laughed at how horrible those lines were! Don't see this movie, it's just ridiculous. The acting is as pathetic as the script. No wait, there's one great line in G: "If you ever touch my sister again, I'll stab you in the dick with a plastic spoon!" There, now you know the funniest line. Now there really is no reason to see it.
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