Review of The Fog

The Fog (2005)
Why remake a classic and turn it into a piece of boring dreck?
27 October 2005
The grave robbers of Hollywood, completely devoid of new ideas, have taken to the graveyard once again to dig up classic movies of various directors to help their sagging box office.

This year's director of choice is John Carpenter. We've seen a bad remake of "Assault On Precient 13" already and now comes "The Fog". Originally, it was a well crafted tale of suspense, horror and shock with a minimal amount of blood and gore, relying on the talent of Carpenter and his usual team of actors such as then wife Adreinne Barbeau, Tom Atkins, Jamie Lee Curtis and mom Janet Leigh, et al and spun a great ghost story.

Along comes the remake squad with the latest in teen idols like "Smallville"'s Tom Welling, a load of digital effects and generous amounts of blood, gore and bad acting to deliver a hot steaming plate of manure shoved down our throats between handfuls of stale, overpriced popcorn.

Message to Hollywood. There's a reason that your profits are tanking. Leave the classics alone unless you've got something better to do with it. So far, you're failing miserably!!!
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