Thank god for sidewalk sidelines
27 October 2005
A former jailbird that demands to listen to some Muddy Waters in order to perform well in a soft core movie. A prostitute that states that the revolution is being forcible entered into. A girl that hangs out with some strange characters that might be informants. A new-wave styled small time conman. And a porn actress who is along for the ride. Whats common between those petty criminals? They all live in the outskirts of society, in a grotesque old mansion, doing small time crimes in order to survive, and killing time (extra curricular activities include sex, drugs and partying).Probably they are the most rock and roll gang in the history of Greek cinema, probably not.

Surely they are a posse of romantics waiting for reality to (brutally) come into their lives and exterminate them. A group of rebels without a hope, lovable criminals an cult heroes...probably one of the most beautiful gangland movies ever made. Hence the
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