Entertaining...Fun.....But An Insult To One's Intelligence
26 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Let me emphasize that I really enjoy watching this film. It has first-rate suspense and is definitely entertaining. I have seen it multiple times and will continue to watch it.

Having said that, I have to admit I laugh when I see people writing about how "intelligent" this movie is.

Intelligent? Yeah, right.

Let's see. A man goes out to lunch and comes back to discover (after walking into an open front door that previously shuts and locks automatically) that all his co-workers have been murdered. Shortly afterward, he is shot at by a professional killer, who, conveniently, misses! OK. Now on the run, our hero (Robert Redford) kidnaps a woman at random in broad daylight and forces her at gunpoint back to her apartment. (Nobody sees any of this.) About two hours later, the woman is making love to the man and is instantly in love with him!!

It gets better. The man - a professional reader, a bookworm, instantly turns into James Bond and the woman is instantly transformed from a lonely, shrinking violet into an international spy, boldly breaking into the CIA and talking tough to an agent. Wow, yes, that sure sounds plausible to me! Together they fight a renegade CIA wing until he convinces her to leave town and then he finishes up, surviving the whole affair. All that from a mousy guy who just reads books for a living. Wow.

Well, I''ll repeat one thing, for the readers here who forgot my opening paragraph and think I am panning the film. I am not. I like the movie. it's entertaining. It's fun to watch, and that's the name of the game........but if you think this is "intelligent" storytelling, well, I have this swampland in New Jersey I'd like to sell you that......
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